New Devices, New Frontiers

SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19) is a disastrous infection, killing hundreds of thousands of people around the world. It seems to be a supernova in human history. Nonetheless, new technologies will continue to develop, benefit societies and improve the life in various ways even during pandemic. Teachers in general and students in particular need to learn the science behind smart devices and use the improved knowledge for the betterment of humanity. Smart medical devices and smart medical systems are the future of healthcare. These devices mitigate several problems that impede delivering good healthcare to people worldwide. Human civilization is facing threat for their survival and we should not be silent spectators.

Swami Vivekananda, used to say:

“Go, all of you, wherever there is an outbreak of plague or famine, or


wherever the people are in distress, go and mitigate their sufferings……Preach

this ideal from door to door, and you will yourselves be benefited by it at

the same time that you are doing good to your country”.

The modern science and technology is the outcome of the brilliance that has ventured through ages to assume its present shape. In the past decade, the field of semiconductors enlarged its scope enormously, embracing a far wider range of problems than ever before. At the heart of subject is the quest to understand, through a combination of experimental, theoretical, and computational investigations, how unexpected phenomena emerge when large numbers of constituents interact with one another. These constituents, traditionally electrons, atoms, and molecules, have now been extended to a vast array, including complex biological molecules, functional nanomaterials, and even grains of sand. Medical electronics is most widely developing fields of this era and by using medical electronics doctors and surgeons can do medical examinations in a very fast and smart way. These devices make sophisticated equipment with precision and these applications make medical field very simple and perfect identification of diseases. Remote patient monitoring is the most common application of internet- of-things devices for healthcare. Such devices can automatically collect health metrics like heart rate, blood pressure, temperature, and more from patients who are not physically present in a healthcare facility, eliminating the need for patients to travel, or for patients to collect it themselves. First humanitarian drone, developed at IIT Kanpur shall be put to use for delivery of Covid vaccines to hospitals and homes in near future.

To this, we at NIT Srinagar are organizing five days Short Term Course on smart devices from 01-05 May 2021 which will cover topics of smart devices. Many renowned scientists and internationally acclaimed speakers will deliver talks. A special medical session is also being organized. Thus, this course will inspire the students to learn the basic principles of smart devices which could be used for the betterment of humanity. The aim is to improve the knowledge of students and to take up new challenges in medical electronics. Remembering the school days teacher used to teach us how to produce oxygen and how body transports oxygen to the organs by filtering it through lungs. Need of the hour is that basic diagnostic tools, like oxygen concentrators shall be available to every home at affordable prize with improved efficiency. This is possible provided young students take up new challenges.

Dr. M. A. Shah is Associate Professor, P.G Department of Physics, National Institute of Technology Srinagar (NIT Srinagar)

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