Pearls of Wisdom

During my research I framed a hypothesis that there is a  significant difference between potential delinquents and non-delinquents on ‘religious dimension’ of social awareness.

After testing the hypothesis mean difference favored non-delinquents. Non delinquents believe that the common denominator of all religion is based on truth, goodness and justice. Non-delinquents feel at peace when they hear religious discourses.


They have good religious awareness. They believe that if we save the honor of our brother or sister in her absentia Allah will save us from the hell of fire on the last Day of Judgment.

They do not expose shortcoming of others. They do not backbite or plot against their brethren. They are committed and fulfill all promises. 

Non delinquents strongly agreed to the following items (a) I like to help my relatives (b) I continue to perform good deeds even in the face of ridicule and discouragement (c) I feel pain on the suffering of my brethren across the globe (d) I share my opinion frankly and without inhibitions when it is in the interest of the association.(e) I would bear true witness even it  against my own blood relation/relative(f) I speak politely to my elders(g) I help the poor without any publicity or showoff  (h) I believe in God not because my parents told me but because I have experienced his goodness and mercy myself (h) It is the seed of prayer and the blossoms of trusting Allah which gets a believer through every storm. Non-delinquents displayed following religious awareness

To conclude Quran is a complete researcher guide and a roadmap for success.

Dr Showkat Rashid Wani, Senior Coordinator, Directorate of Distance Education, University of Kashmir

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