Reforming schools

The Article 19 of the  Indian constitution empowers a citizento express his views and opinions. We all believe that the future of anycountry lies on how well developed is the education system of that country. Itis sad to write that there are approximately 500 million people who are belowthe poverty line and hardly have access to education. There are so manymindsets that pose a hindrance to the Indian Education System. Hence pursuing aprofessional degree isn’t that important but primary education is a basicnecessity for the society. Improving the performance of the Elementary schooleducation is the most important challenge in Elementary education. This is thefact that they play an important role in the educational system. Although effortshave been made to improve the quality of teachers yet little has been achievedin this regard. When I talk about the materials they teach, their teachingskill and motivation levels, it is felt that much is to be done. I think somebroad strategies have been taken up for the development of teachers educationby setting up Teacher Education Institutes. In Doda District in order toprovide quality education a pilot  project was started by worthy DDC DrSagar D Doifode called ‘Zimedari’. 

The project includes grading of schools across the the district.It is pertinent to mention here that since the formation of Distt.Doda in 1948that for the first time under the supervision of DDC Doda and in collaborationwith Gujarat based NGO named Vishwagram along with DIET Principal and education department grading system will be implemented in our Distt. This is awelcome step by worthy DDC and DIET Principal whose valuable contribution inthe field of education for the district is remarkable and beyond explanation.This grading system highlights the account of various activities on these daysin reforming grassroots level situation of School Education across the DistrictDoda. This system will get crystal clear picture of the ground level situation.This system will make the present system of education result oriented and toinculcate professional ethics among the teaching faculty throughout the lengthand breath of the district. This grading system will reinvigorate educationsystem. This system welcomes all feedbacks of the faculty membersgenerated  from their experiences in order to make the education sector inthe Distt not only result oriented but a learning hub.


There is immense need of grading of schools, rationalisation ofteaching staff, training for teaching faculty to how to decrease the dropoutsof students from the schools. It is sad to mentioned here that the teachers areassigned the works of BLO, Enumerator  in Census, Election Officers etcwhich eat the precious time of the teachers. As a result his/her syllabus will not becompleted in a stipulated period of time. There are other departments alsowhere men perform these duties. I think in order to bring improvement in oureducation system there should be effective implementation of Education laws, bettermentin Govt schools.  Education should be made technology based. Healtheducation should also be given priority.

The move that is initiated by DDC Doda and DIET Principal inEducation reform is praiseworthy. 

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