Restore public transport services

After the completion of the works under Srinagar Smart City Project at Lal Chowk and adjoining places, it is being expected that the public transport services will be restored in the areas now.

The movement of public transport including mini buses and sumos were suspended around this area some months back in view of the works under the project.


The officials said that suspension of their movement was imperative to prevent the disruption of the work on the project. Subsequently, no public transport services were available to the passengers at Lal Chowk, Residency Road, Maulana Azad Road and neighbouring areas.

Lal Chowk is the city centre and considered important from business point of view. A number of important educational institutions – both government and private- are located in the areas besides large number of government offices.

Due to non-availability of public transport the students, office goers, and others who do not have their own vehicles, have to walk on foot to reach the places, where they can catch a bus or a sumo.

In the morning they face the same problem as they move from their homes towards offices, schools, colleges, shops and other business establishments located at Lal Chowk and in its vicinity.

Rains sometimes add to their problems. The authorities had pressed the e-rickshaws into service for the convenience of the commuters. But their numbers proved inadequate compared to the demand in view of the rush.

Now since the works have been completed and the projects inaugurated also, the public transport services should be restored there. This will put an end to the inconvenience the commuters faced during these months. The shopkeepers also say their business was also affected due to the suspension of the public transport services.

They say they are happy with the completion of the development and beautification work and hope that their business is back on track once the rush of people returns after the bus facility is made available.

Once the passenger bus services are re-started the traffic system too has to be strengthened there. Since the roads have been slightly redesigned during the work, the traffic jamming has to be avoided.

Hundreds of passenger buses and sumos would move again through Lal Chowk daily. Subsequently, the number of pedestrians will also increase. The rush of the vehicles has to be smoothly managed and more particularly during the peak hours of the day.

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