The Message of Hope, Optimism

Rashmi Ranjan Swain, Special Director General of Police (CID), spoke briefly with reporters this week while attending an event on the Dal Lake shoreline as the chief guest. He covered a wide range of topics, but in essence, his message was one of ‘HOPE’ in the face of the situation handled by J&K Police during the past over 30 years.

The message was simple-it is the broader mission of creating a secure and confident environment in Jammu and Kashmir which has witnessed bloodshed during the past 30 years.


RR Swain’s message beautifully echoes the deep-seated aspirations of the people of Kashmir. Their yearning for a life marked by tranquillity, where the painful burden of fathers carrying their sons’ coffins becomes a distant memory, and where mothers can rest assured even when their children return home late, resonates with a profound longing for peace and security.

Furthermore, the vision of flourishing businesses and youth reaching new heights of excellence signifies a desire for economic growth and opportunities for the region’s younger generation. RR Swain’s message encapsulates the shared dream of a brighter and more prosperous future for the resilient people of Kashmir, one where hope prevails over conflict, and the promise of a peaceful coexistence becomes a reality.

Here I will try to decode the Message of Hope:

The messages convoys the “dividends of peace”. It encapsulates the wide-ranging benefits that come from resolving conflicts, maintaining peaceful conditions, and promoting stability and cooperation within societies and regions. These dividends extend to various aspects of life, including economic, social, and human development.

Dividends of peace is a phrase that refers to the positive outcomes and benefits that result from the establishment and maintenance of peace in a society or region. When conflicts and violence are resolved or prevented, various dividends or advantages can be realized, including:

Stability: Peaceful conditions contribute to political stability and social order, creating an environment where people can live and work without the constant threat of violence or conflict.

Economic Growth: Peace can lead to economic prosperity by fostering an environment conducive to trade, investment, and economic development. It allows businesses to operate, markets to function efficiently, and foreign investments to flow into the region.

Human Development: Peace enables societies to invest in education, healthcare, and social services, improving the overall quality of life for their citizens. People can access better opportunities for personal and professional growth in peaceful environments.

Social Cohesion: Peace promotes social harmony and cooperation among different groups and communities, reducing tensions and promoting tolerance and inclusivity.

Infrastructure Development: Peace allows for the planning and construction of critical infrastructure, such as roads, bridges, and utilities, which can enhance the quality of life and economic opportunities for the population.

International Relations: Peaceful nations tend to have more stable and productive diplomatic and trade relationships with other countries, fostering international cooperation and collaboration.

Reduced Human Suffering: Perhaps most importantly, peace reduces human suffering by preventing conflict-related injuries, deaths, displacement, and other hardships.

“Our endeavour is to root out the level of fear from the common man’s heart and mind” suggests a commitment to addressing and alleviating fear or anxiety that ordinary people of J&K are experiencing. This endeavour could be related to various aspects of society, such as improving safety and security, promoting mental health and well-being, or addressing issues that contribute to fear or insecurity.

About the violence, he said “Our fight is against those promoting violence, and our fight is for the general public who respects and abides by the law” conveys a clear stance against individuals or groups that advocate or engage in violent behaviour. It also emphasizes support for law-abiding citizens who adhere to legal norms and regulations.

This statement implies a commitment to maintaining peace, order, and the rule of law within a society. It suggests that the speaker or organization is dedicated to countering violence and its promoters while advocating for the rights and safety of those who comply with the law. The exact context would provide a clearer understanding of the specific actions and initiatives associated with this fight against violence and support for the law-abiding public.

Standing by all those who want to earn an honest livelihood by abiding by laws conveys a commitment by the Jammu and Kashmir Police to support and assist individuals who are seeking to make a legitimate living and are willing to comply with the laws and regulations in the region.

It suggests that the J&K Police prioritize the well-being and lawful activities of the people they serve. It implies a willingness to provide guidance, protection, and assistance to those who are engaged in lawful occupations and are not involved in criminal activities.

Overall, the statement reflects a commitment to upholding the law and helping law-abiding citizens in their efforts to earn an honest living.

Another important thing RR Swain talked about was that JK Police is fighting with extra valor against some elements who promote violence” suggests that the Jammu and Kashmir Police  are engaged in a heightened effort or displaying exceptional bravery in their mission to counteract individuals or groups that promote or incite violence in the region.

The use of the term “extra valor” indicates a strong commitment and determination to address the issue of violence. It implies that the police force is going above and beyond in their efforts to maintain law and order and to protect the safety and well-being of the community.

It highlights the police’s dedication to combating violence and maintaining peace in the face of challenges posed by those who promote violence. It underscores the importance of their mission in ensuring the security and stability of the region.

The combined statement “So, our fight is against those projecting violence. Our fight is for the public, and our endeavor is to root out the level of fear from the common man’s heart and mind” conveys a clear and comprehensive message. It outlines the following key points:

Opposition to Violence: The statement affirms that there is a commitment to opposing and countering individuals or groups who promote or engage in violent behavior. This suggests a dedication to maintaining peace and security within the community.

Support for the Public: It emphasizes a commitment to serving and protecting the general public. This implies that the speaker or organization prioritizes the well-being and safety of the people they serve.

Alleviating Fear: The statement articulates a specific goal, which is to reduce or eliminate fear from the hearts and minds of ordinary citizens. This suggests a broader mission of creating a secure and confident environment for the public.

Overall, the statement underscores the speaker or organization’s mission to promote safety, peace, and well-being in the community while actively opposing violence and addressing the fear that may exist among the common people.

The statement “Despite the difficulties, J&K Police is carrying on the fight silently, that too keeping in mind the section of society which are not heard, be it a poor shopkeeper, a low-ranking government employee, a lawyer, or a journalist” highlights several key points:

Persistence in the Face of Challenges: The Jammu and Kashmir Police (J&K Police) are depicted as resolute and unwavering in their efforts despite facing difficulties and obstacles.

Silent Dedication: The use of the term “carrying on the fight silently” suggests that the police are working diligently and without much fanfare. They may be addressing issues quietly or discreetly.

Focus on Marginalized Sections: The statement emphasizes the police’s commitment to considering the needs and concerns of marginalized or less influential segments of society. This includes individuals such as poor shopkeepers, low-ranking government employees, lawyers, and journalists who may not always have their voices heard or receive adequate attention.

Overall, this statement conveys a sense of dedication on the part of the J&K Police to address societal issues, maintain law and order, and support those who might be less privileged or underrepresented in society.

As John Lewis rightly says, “Do not get lost in a sea of despair. Be hopeful, be optimistic. Our struggle is not the struggle of a day, a week, a month, or a year, it is the struggle of a lifetime. Never, ever be afraid to make some noise and get in good trouble, necessary trouble.”

The message of hope amidst troubles is springs optimism and points at the silver lining on the horizon.

And Junot Diaz sums it up rightly: “What I am trying to cultivate is not blind optimism… but radical hope.” The Special DGP CID R R Swain’s message is no different.

(The author is senior staffer Greater Kashmir)

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