The Real Sacrifice

Eid Day

Prophet Ismail (AS) was the eldest son of the Prophet Abraham (AS). Hajar or Hagar, an Egyptian princess and one of the wives of Abraham delivered him.


It is believed that Allah Commanded Abraham (Ibrahim) to leave his wife Hajar and his child son Ismail in Hejaz, deep South in the desert of Arabia where the city of Makkah exists today. The place of Makkah was an uninhabited and barren piece of land those times. Abraham as a submissive and devoted worshipper of Allah obeyed and accomplished the Command of the Creator and the Maker of the Universe by taking the child Ishmael and his mother in the deserts of Arabia. Due to scorching and sweltering heat the child Ismail felt parched and thirsty and the mother taking pity upon the innocent child roamed and ran here and there to find out any spot or source of water. She ran several times between the two hills (Safa and Marwa), trying to quest the water. She could not find out water. However, the while wailing, suddenly, scuffed the soil with his heels and by the Will of Allah, a spring of fresh water gushed out.

This spring runs with boundless fresh water to this day, and is treated as holy water (better known as Zum- Zum) by pilgrims in Makkah. The act of running between the two hills by Hajar, the mother of Ismael got converted into a significant and remarkable occurrence that Allah reckoned it as a compulsory component of the Hajj ritual for all times to come.

Ismail grew up and could now share the responsibilities and works of his father Abraham who had been commanded to visit and find out his left family now. After re-union with his family, the father Abraham saw in a dream or vision, that he sacrificed his only son to please Allah. On seeing the same dream on three successive nights, he informed his son Ismail about it. As a devoted and submissive son, Ismail requested his father to sacrifice him to please Allah to submit before His Will and Test.

“Then, when (the son) reached (the age of) (serious) work with him, he said: “O my son! I have seen in a vision that I offer thee in sacrifice: now see what thy view is!” (The son) said: “O my father! Do as thou art commanded: thou will find me, if Allah so Wills, one of the steadfast!” (The Holy Quran)

Finding his son submissive, Abraham took him to Mina, laid him on the ground, and tied his arms and legs with a cord. As he placed his knife on the throat of his son, the Archangel Jibril or Gabriel (AS) appeared and announced that the trial of their ultimate submission to Allah was accepted. Just then, by the Grace of Allah, a heavenly, healthy and beautiful ram appeared there to be sacrificed in place of Ismail. Abraham was given the happy tiding that Allah was pleased with them, and their position would be elevated. This act of the supreme sacrifice of Abraham and his son Ismail became an essential part of the Hajj for all times, and is celebrated in the form of Eid al-Adha.

Eid-ul-Adha is the most significant festival for the Muslims, a day of sacrifice (Qurbani) which is celebrated immediately after the Hajj on 10th of Dhul-Hajj to express happiness after the completion of the Holy Pilgrimage to Allah’s House, Ka’aba in Mecca.

The history of offering animal sacrifice is as old as human history itself. In the Primitive times man offered sacrifice of animals, even of human beings to express his faith, devotion and spirit of sacrifice and humility. The man would even offer sacrifice before idols, gods and deities to please them but as soon as the blessing of Islam came, man was directed to restrain himself from such acts. He was made to understand that idols, gods and deities have had no power and it is Allah alone who is All-powerful, Creator of everything and there is no partner to Him. The Command of Allah refined and reformed the sentiment of sacrifice of human beings and changed it into a spiritual and moral act. The Devine law prohibited any such sacrifice which was offered to other than Allah.

The first sacrifice of human history was offered by the two sons of Adam (AS), Abel and Cain. The Holy Qur’an says,

“And tell them accurately the story of the two sons of Adam. When the two offered their sacrifices, the offering of the sacrifice of one was accepted but that of the other was not accepted” (Al-Qur’an, five, V.27)

Abel offered the sacrifice of the best ram out of his flock happily for the sake of Allah and whereas Cain offered a portion of useless corn unwillingly. The sacrifice of Abel was burnt up by a fire from heaven and this was a sign of its acceptance, but Cain’s offering was left and rejected.

Prophet (SAW) says about the act of sacrifice (Qurbani) “The person who possesses necessary means and does not offer sacrifice, he ought not to come to the place of Eid prayers ( Idd Gah)”. (Abu-Hurairah (RA).

The sacrifice echos that we submit ourselves to Allah and the sacrifice of animals is a rehearsal for us to prepare for other sacrifices. The sacrifice is not only confined to our wealth and cattle but it involves everything including our life. We cannot please Allah by sacrificing an animal; nonetheless He is pleased with the spirit of submission and our obedience to His commands which He has given in the Holy Qur’an. He is pleased with us when we isolate ourselves from the evil doings, immoral actions and other irreligious acts. He wants us to sacrifice our comforts and luxuries and take the path of righteousness which may involve difficulties and hazards.

Eid-Ul- Adha is not merely a ritual but it is a great occasion to offer change and seek salvation. It is a test for the Muslims to prepare themselves for any sacrifice and at the same time stresses that we as Muslims should grow and evolve our children in the manner Hazrat Abraham (AS) did. Through the tree of sacrifice, we should try to create friendship with Allah and not desist from any sacrifice when the call comes in any form. It should make us remorseful and our inner soul ought to be cleaned from the disease of malice, jealousy and animosity. It should relieve and release us from the chains and slavery of evil.

In our world of today we have become spiritually and morally barren, for we chase the benefits of this world only. We take those paths which lead us to material opulence and avoid those paths which could lead us to redemption. Our suffering, pain and misery will definitely disappear in the world if the meaning of real sacrifice is understood.

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