This ongoing heatwave

Photo: Mubashir Khan

As temperatures rise across the globe, the ongoing heatwave in Kashmir serves as a stark reminder of the devastating impact of global warming. On July 24, Srinagar and Jammu City recorded identical maximum temperatures of 35.2-degree Celsius. The dry weather is a result of long-term climate change patterns that have impacted every aspect of our lives: environment, health, and economy. According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change’s (IPCC) Sixth Assessment Report, which was published in 2023, the frequency of extreme heat events has significantly increased in recent decades, with substantial evidence showing human influence as the most dominant cause. In Kashmir, the impact of climate change has been particularly harsh. This past winter saw precipitation levels drop significantly below average, and it is happening again in this season. This has raised concerns about water availability and agriculture, which is an important sector of Jammu and Kashmir’s economy. The declining water levels in rivers and lakes, crucial for irrigation and daily needs, are stark indictors of the ongoing crisis. The health impacts of prolonged heatwaves are equally disturbing. Recently, health authorities released a set of Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) in response to a gastroenteritis outbreak caused by extreme weather conditions. While there are no immediate solutions to this issue, there is an urgent need for long-term concrete measures to minimize the impact of global warming in Kashmir. This includes promoting renewable energy sources such as solar and wind energy to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, implementing effective water management strategies such as rainwater harvesting, organizing plantation drives and encouraging sustainable practices across all sectors. There is also a need to raise public awareness about the serious repercussions of global warming in the region and fostering individual and collective actions to reduce carbon footprints. The urgency of the situation cannot be overstated. Our actions today will determine the well-being of our community tomorrow.

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