Sans ‘proper accommodation’, Kundan, Pathian students suffer

The students of two government schools in Thannamandi education zone are suffering due to what they termed as “official apathy” as the schools lack “proper accommodation”.

As per available details, Government Middle School, Kundan,located in Dodasan-Bala village, is functioning without proper accommodationand the students are forced to study under the open sky.


The school, which falls under Sarav Shiksha Abhiyaan, has 79students enrolled in it. There are two toilets and a kitchen, but only oneclassroom.

The government has sanctioned Rs 7.5 lakhs for theconstruction of the school building, out of which Rs 2 lakhs have been spentand the construction till plinth-level has been completed. Besides, the schoolhas also received an additional amount of Rs 5 lakhs for repairs, which is yetto be utilized.

Similarly, government middle school, Uppar Pathian, has alsobecome an example of official apathy as there is only one classroom availablefor 90 students.

A tree planted in the school premises has become the centrepoint, as most of the students are taught under the shade.

One being contacted, cluster head and principal of localgovernment higher secondary school, Plangarh, A Q Nadvi, confirmed that thereis severe accommodation problem in middle school Kundan as well as middleschool Uppar Pathian.

He informed that a detailed report about the issue has beensubmitted to the office of chief education officer, Rajouri.

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