Vegetables, flowering plants damaged due to poisonous chemical

Rajouri, July 18: Some unknown men last night allegedly sprinkled some deadly poisonous chemical on fully grown vegetable, fruit and flowering crop of a progressive farmer Parveen Kumar Chowdhury of Langar village in Nowshera tehsil of Rajouri district in J&K.

The farmer has grown different kinds of vegetables crops in his field which he sells in market and his organic crops are very much famous in the entire area and people prefer purchase of vegetables from the farmer.


Last night, some anti social elements sprinkled poisonous chemical on the crop of this farmer damaging the crop completely and causing huge loss for the farmer who is completely dependent on the produce of this agriculture crop to earn his livelihood.

A large number of people from the area visited the effected field and condemned the incident demanding stern and exemplary punishment for accused.

A police complaint has also been filed by the victim farmer. “ My agriculture produce is my only source of income as I sell vegetables and flowers in local market and sustain livelihood of my family,” said farmer who added that someone has damaged his crop with ill intention and this anti human act could have proved disastrous if some had consume the vegetable crops

Agriculture extension officer office area also visited the effected field and confirm use of any poisonous chemical to kill the crop.

“ The farmer is progressive and he came to know about use of some chemical and it saved lives of many,” officer said adding that the use of chemical on crops proves fatal some a times if a human consumes the crop without proper washing.

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