Collaboration is vital in maintaining peaceful atmosphere: IGP Kashmir

Srinagar, Dec 29: Inspector General of Police (IGP) Kashmir, Virdi Kumar Birdi Friday said collaboration was vital in maintaining a peaceful atmosphere.

An official spokesman in a statement issued here said that chairing a high-level security cum crime review meeting at the Police Control Room (PCR), Kashmir, the IGP Kashmir commended the dedication and commitment exhibited by senior officers in their respective roles.


He actively engaged in discussions on initiatives aimed at maintaining law and order and conducting anti-terrorism operations within the valley.

Emphasising the significance of ongoing efforts and coordination among different forces on the ground, IGP Kashmir underscored the vital role of collaboration in maintaining a peaceful atmosphere across Kashmir.

The meeting was attended by senior officers from the police, Central Armed Police Forces (CAPF), and Intelligence agencies.

Additionally, Deputy Inspectors Generals (DIGs) and district Senior Superintendents of Police (SSPs) from Kashmir Zone participated in the meeting through video conference, ensuring a comprehensive assessment of the security and crime scenario in the region.

The meeting commenced with an overview of the overall security situation, with a primary focus on understanding existing challenges and formulating effective strategies to address them.

The discussions covered various dimensions, including intelligence gathering, threat assessments, and emergency response protocols.

The collaborative effort reflected the shared commitment of all stakeholders to safeguard the well-being of the citizens.

In the crime review segment of the meeting, the IGP Kashmir directed participating officers to enhance the quality of investigations, particularly in cases falling under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act (UAPA).

Specific attention was given to property attachment in UAPA cases, terror financing, terror-related incidents, Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances (NDPS) cases, narco-terrorism, detentions under the Public Safety Act (PSA), and general crime cases.

The IGP Kashmir stressed the importance of improving investigation techniques to ensure a higher conviction rate in UAPA cases and directed the designation of nodal officers to follow the required process within prescribed timelines.

The discussions covered various aspects of crime prevention, investigation methodologies, and the implementation of proactive measures to address emerging challenges.

The IGP Kashmir reiterated the Police force’s commitment to transparency, accountability, and swift case resolution to ensure justice and maintain public safety.

The security-cum-crime review meeting witnessed the participation of key officials, including DIG BSF Satyabrata Mukherjee, DIG (Admin) CRPF Dinesh Kumar, Assistant Director IB Srinagar AkhleshChandre, DIG SSB Imtiyaz Ismail Parry, and other dignitaries.

All district SSPs of the Kashmir Zone actively contributed to the discussions, reflecting the collaborative and concerted efforts of the security apparatus in Kashmir.

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