SOP for declaring area as ‘Nasha Mukt’ in J&K notified

Jammu, Dec 20: The cultivated area under any illicit crops (including area under illicit crops growing in the wild) in the Panchayat or Urban Local Body or Ward must be zero so as to be declared as “Nasha Mukt.”

Similarly, the area of Panchayat or ULB or Ward must be free from any activity relating to processing or manufacturing of any product which is banned under NDPS Act.


These directions form part of the Standard Operating Procedure (SoP), detailed objective criteria, actionable strategy and periodic review mechanism for declaring a Panchayat or ULB or Ward as Nasha Mukt under the Nasha Mukt Jammu & Kashmir Abhiyan.

SOP, in continuation of Government Order No. 1006-JK(GAD) of 2022 dated September 5, 2022, was notified on Wednesday.

As per the SOP, the criteria for declaring an area as Nasha Mukt has specified that no case of drug addiction should have been reported from the area of Panchayat or ULB or Ward in the last six months.

“No drug smuggler or peddler is residing or operating in the area at the time of certification; no person there is booked or detained or convicted under NDPS Act at the time of certification; no person in the area (Panchayat or ULB or Ward) is booked under the Cigarettes and Other Tobacco Products (Prohibition of Advertisement and Regulation of Trade and Commerce, Production, Supply and Distribution) Act, 2003,” the criteria read.

As per the detailed strategy, regular Gram Sabha/Bal Sabha/Youth Club/Manila Sabha/Senior Citizen’s Club meetings should be organized on drug menace at least once in a month; government departments viz. Police, Social Welfare, Rural Development, Excise Departments, Health and Medical Education, Revenue, School Education etc, should work in coordination and highlight the hazardous implications of cultivation or consumption of illicit crops.

Local Committees, Youth Clubs, religious organizations should be proactively involved in combating the problem of drug addiction. Focus should be on organizing events such as nukkad nataks, walkathons, cycle rallies etc. in the area for mass awareness generation.

There should be implementation of a broad-based Media Strategy with special emphasis on Social Media: X (Twitter), Facebook, Instagram etc. Law Enforcement Agencies should take effective measures like regular police patrolling, sting operations and efforts to disrupt drug supply chains in the Panchayat/ULB/Ward.

The people residing in Panchayat/ULB/Ward (highly vulnerable to illicit crops) should be motivated for cultivating alternative cash crops for which Agriculture Production Department should come forth and explore all possibilities in this regard.

There should be a complete ban on sale of over the counter drugs, psychotropic substances and cigarettes within 100 meters of any educational institution falling in the jurisdiction of Panchayat or ULB or Ward. The youngsters of the Panchayat/ULB/Ward should be involved in sports activities, as far as possible, so as to keep them away from drug addiction and other social evils.

Drug abusers of the Panchayat/ULB/Ward who have been sent to Rehabilitation Centres/Drug-De-Addiction Centres for treatment or counseling during the last 03 months should be monitored and measures should be taken for their well-being. There should be easy access to treatment facilities with safe and secure drop-in space for drug dependent youth who shall be screened, assessed and counselled, with special emphasis on follow-up care.

SOP also included periodic review mechanism, where in overall monitoring of certification would be done by the District Level Committee, upon receipt of recommendations from Tehsil Level Committees and Sub-Divisional Level Committees, with the stipulation that Nasha Mukt certificate shall be issued by the District Magistrate of the concerned district.

As per SOP, ‘Nasha Mukt’ status of Panchayats or Wards will be reviewed on half-yearly basis and certifications issued will either continue or will be withdrawn in light of performance of the Panchayat or Ward on the given parameters.

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