Anti-Narcotic Task Force arrests drug smuggler at Sonwar

Srinagar, Apr 4: The Anti-Narcotic Task Force (ANTF) of Jammu and Kashmir Police arrested a drug smuggler at Sonwar area here today.

In a statement, ANTF spokesperson said specialised unit to check rising menace of drugs achieved success after it foiled a bid to smuggle heroin worth lakhs.


“ANTF Kashmir received specific information that one person namely Ab. Qayoom R/o Sultan Dhaki Uri is carrying heroin in a vehicle EON bearing Regd. No. JK01S-1701. On this information, a case FIR 17/2022 U/S 8/21 NDPS Act has been registered at Police Station CBK. Meanwhile ANTF team immediately swung into action apprehended the said person from Sonwar near GP Panth Hospital Srinagar,” the statement said.

‘During his personal search, the team recovered 200 grams of heroin from his possession. The person has been arrested in the instant case and Vehicle bearing Regd No. JK01S-1701 which was used in the commission of crime has also been seized. Anti-Narcotics Task Force is investigating further links. More arrests are expected. Anti-Narcotic Task Force has appealed general public to share information regarding any such drug dealers so that appropriate legal action are taken against them and this menace is uprooted from our society,” the statement added.

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