Mala Bagh residents decry frequent traffic jams

Srinagar, Apr 4: Residents of Mala Bagh area here on city outskirts have expressed resentment over frequent traffic jams and demand widening of the road there.

The aggrieved residents said widening of the Mala Bagh road is pending since 1990. In a statement, the residents of Mala Bagh and its adjoining areas including Naseem Bagh, Mugal Lane, Hafiz Bagh, Dangerpora and Elahi Bagh have been demanding widening of the link from Elahi Bagh to 90 feet Soura.


“Authorities had submitted a plan to planning department and even funds were released in 2018. Ironically, the funds were diverted to other projects. There are few bottlenecks which can be removed by negotiations. The width of road is just 12 feet which is not sufficient to curb huge traffic flow. Many big schools have come up in the area and traffic jam takes toll on students, employees,” they said.

“In early nineties, marks were laid for widening and work was completed upto Elahi Bagh Chowk. Peoble of the area are ready to cooperate. Population of Nishat, Shalimar, Batpora, Gosu, Tailbal, Theed, Harwan and Faaq areas use this road to SKIMS. We urge authorities to look into the matter,” they added.

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