People must adhere to COVID guidelines: Mayor

On the e-launch of COVID vaccination drive, Mayor Srinagar JunaidAzimMattu on Saturday said that “people shouldn’t fall for any propaganda or negative distortion about vaccination.”

“This is a moment of pride and a very important milestone in the country’s spirited and inspiring fight against COVID-19. Based on the Prime Minister’s vision, India has embarked on the biggest vaccination drive in the history of human civilization,” Mattu said in his address at a function at SKICC here. 


“This is a historic day and it is an appropriate occasion to pay a tribute to those frontline workers who sacrificed their lives in the battle against COVID,” he said.

The Mayor congratulated all the researchers and scientists saying “they worked diligently and relentlessly to create India’s indigenous vaccines and said this was a day to salute our doctors and frontline health workers.”

“People should not fall for any propaganda or negative distortion about the vaccination. The vaccines had been duly approved by the competent authorities after all relevant checks and balances were cleared. These vaccines are the result of months of painstaking research and hard-work by some of the brightest minds in the country”, the Mayor added.

Urging the people to continue adhering the COVID guidelines while the vaccination drive has commenced, Mayor said “this was our most important contribution to make such initiatives successful.”

“I will keep urging everyone to wear masks and adhere to physical distancing norms and all COVID guidelines so that the vaccination drive is a success and we are able to finally win our battle against COVID. Please don’t stop wearing masks and take every advisory seriously. All such steps are for the welfare of the general public”, the Mayor said.

Saying SMC will continue playing a prominent role in Srinagar’s battle against COVID, Mayor said “the Corporation had gone above and beyond the call of duty in battling COVID and would continue to lead from the front.”

“SMC has played a pivotal role to protect Srinagar and I want to assure the people of Srinagar that we will continue to lead from the front and lead by example. We will do everything possible to tide over this challenge”, he said.

“Our doctors and allied health workers deserve immense respect and admiration for their sacrifices and daunting service in the face of this pandemic,” he said.

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