Congress to prepare people’s manifesto: PCC Chief

Jammu, July 23: JKPCC President Vikar Raool Wani today said that his party will come up with a people’s manifesto for the coming assembly elections.

He said the manifesto will give guarantees and commitments which shall be fulfilled within time manner.


Wani was addressing a press conference here alongwith JKPCC Working President Raman Bhalla, Former MP Ch Lal Singh and JKPCC Senior Vice President and Chief Spokesperson Ravinder Sharma > he said that for 10 years BJP has given lot hardships and pin pricks to each and every section of the society and people have suffered a lot on various fronts.

“Congress will reach out to the people to listen to their issues and incorporate their demands in the manifesto in order to give relief to each and every sections which have suffered during all these years,” Wani added.

He said that two committees for Jammu province have been constituted to reach out to the people in different districts and seek suggestions from all stakeholders for putting forth before the manifesto committee of the PCC under the overall chairmanship of Prof Saifuddin Soz.

“Similarly for Kashmir Province also a sub – committee shall be constituted for doing the similar exercise within next 15 days for final discussion on the issues of people of cross sections of the society,” PCC Chief said.

Wani said that Congress party is fully prepared for the assembly elections as per Supreme Court dead line of September 30 and asked the cadres to be fully prepared.

Expressing grave concern over the increased terror activities in the region, he said that it is the failure of the government to take timely steps and strengthen the security network before the spread of terror activities, and the government must take all necessary steps to control the situation and hold the assembly elections in time. The assembly elections in the past were held in more difficult situations and restoration of democracy is itself a message to terrorism, he added

Vikar said that Congress forcefully demands restoration of statehood before elections to restore full powers to the people. Criticising the recent order snatching all powers from elected government and vesting the same in the Lt Governor is another betrayal of BJP with the people of J&K. He said BJP has done this after realising that non-BJP Government of Congress and other likeminded parties shall come to power after the assembly elections in J&K.

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