Drinking water shortage

Reports have started pouring in from various areas regarding shortage of drinking water. The problem gets aggravated as the mercury level soars up in summer.

This happens almost every year. Not only from rural areas but also from urban areas reports of water crises keep on coming. Even before the onset of summer residents in several areas complain of water shortage.


However, in summer the areas which have good supply of water in other seasons allege water shortage as the hot weather continues.

The problem is occurring at a time when there are efforts at the government level to provide drinking water through taps to 100 percent households both in rural and urban areas.

The move is being appreciated. But then the shortage of drinking water affects such good measures. The water pipes are laid and taps are available in the houses but water supply is not there, or is too erratic.

The issue has to be dealt with seriously so that the benefit of the schemes for the welfare of people reaches them and they do not face any kind of difficulty. The concerned officials must see to it as to what are the causes of the water shortage.

The problem must be solved and should not linger on for years together. Since the population is increasing and the new houses and other buildings are being constructed, there is more demand for the water.

The concerned authorities must see to it as to how such increasing requirements are met and what steps have to be taken. The areas where there is frequent shortage must be identified and solutions worked out.

The people too have a responsibility and that is not to waste water. Water should be used judiciously. The residents facing water shortage know how problematic the things become in such a grim scenario.

Kashmir has abundant water resources and the shortage should not have been here. What has gone wrong and where is the problem? The solutions have to be found out. If things were not planned and executed effectively in past, the corrections have to be made.

People must not suffer in any season particularly in this scorching heat of the summer.

Future schemes must be planned and launched in such a way so that those do not fail or prove ineffective or insufficient later. Every care has to be taken.

Poor planning and execution at this time is like punishing people. Water resources have to be fully utilised for the benefit of common people. People have a right to better water supply and they should not suffer unnecessarily.

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