Drinking water shortage

Several areas in Srinagar city are facing severe drinking water shortage. The problem is not confined to these areas only but some other parts in rest of the Kashmir Valley also.

Because of the shortage of drinking water, more particularly during the soaring mercury level, the residents are facing problems. While there were reports of drinking water shortage from some parts earlier also, but for last several weeks the problem surfaced in some more areas.


The concerned authorities must immediately resolve the problem and take necessary steps in this direction. The residents in affected areas must get adequate supply of water through taps.

The water should be provided in tankers till the problem remains unresolved. The concerned officials must see where the problem lies and provide the much needed relief to the people amid the rising temperature.

If there is problem in water supplying pipes those should be immediately repaired. If there are other technical issues, those must be taken care of. The aim should be to provide drinking water to all households in the city and in rest of Jammu and Kashmir.

Reports indicate that the residents in a number of places in Srinagar city including Rainawari, Barbarshah, Qamarwari, Rajouri Kadal, Shivpora, Bemina, Mehjoor Nagar, Zadibal, Hawal, Alamgari Bazar, Nalamar Nawa Kadal, Bohri Kadal, and Nowhatta are facing the problem.

There are more such areas in the city and in rest of Kashmir, even in Jammu. Some residents said that they had brought this into the notice of concerned authorities but nothing was done. The concerned authorities must listen to the grievances of the common people and redress those.

According to the reports, the officials have also confirmed shortage of drinking water in some areas and having received complaints from the residents in this regard. They said they are working on it and problems of some of the residents were solved.

According to the officials, the rising temperatures have led to more water demand. They said that they are taking steps for providing water to the affected people.

Such steps must be speedily taken so that there is no delay in supplying the water to the residents. Not only in Srinagar but in other areas of Kashmir, and Jammu the water crisis must be resolved at the earliest.

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