Project Snow Leopard training starts for frontline staff

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Srinagar, July 9: Wildlife Research Conservation Foundation (WRCF), Kashmir, and Nature Conservation Foundation (NCF), Karnataka are conducting a training session for the frontline forest and wildlife staff, starting from today, for the monitoring and conservation of the snow leopards in Jammu and Kashmir.

The joint initiative of these two NGOs is supported by the Forest Department and Department of Wildlife Protection, J&K. The training session is aimed at enhancing the skills and knowledge of selected staff from the Forest department and the Wildlife Department of Bandipora and Ganderbal districts.


Today marks the first day of this training in Chitternar, Bandipora and the second phase will continue in Ganderbal in August this year.

The inauguration of this training programme took place in Dachigam National Park yesterday. The chief guest of this event was Pradeepchandra Wahule, Regional Wildlife Warden Kashmir, Conservator of Forests, Srinagar.

The event was also attended by the Wildlife Wardens of the Central Division and North Division, and Divisional Forest Officers from Bandipora, Anantnag, and Sindh Division.

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