Academics, experts for timely implementation of NEP-2020

A two-week refresher course in social science concluded at the University of Kashmir.

The online course, which was inaugurated by Vice-Chancellor Prof Talat Ahmad, was organised by the varsity’s UGC-HRDC for college and university teachers.


Speaking at the valedictory function, Talat Parvez Rohella, Commissioner-Secretary of J&K’s Higher Education Department emphasised the need to change the paradigms of higher education towards outcome-based learning.

“In light of the revolutionary measures outlined in the National Education Policy-2020, we need to switch over to project-based and experiential learning to make the teaching and learning processes skill-oriented and outcome-based,” he said.

Rohella, the chief guest on the occasion, underscored the need to give impetus to personality development and moral education of students to prepare them to face the emerging challenges of contemporary times.

Rohella underscored the importance of faculty development programmes in transforming the teaching community into a motivated and energised human resource through ICT-enabled courses.

Prof Shabir Ahmad Bhat, Dean of Academic Affairs at University of Kashmir—a guest of honour on the occasion—called upon course participants to touch the hearts of their students and make a difference in their lives by imparting quality education in a dedicated and enthusiastic manner alongside imbibing moral, ethical and human values of honour and dignity amongst them.

He called for an effective and timely implementation of the flagship NEP-2020 in J&K’s higher education institutions.

Director Colleges, J&K, Prof M Y Peerzada, who was also a guest of honour, said there is a need to create more linkages between sciences and social sciences to foster interdisciplinary approaches and develop our students into empowered individuals and also help combat social evils like drug abuse.

Director UGC-HRDC Prof Mushtaq Ahmad Darzi highlighted the role of the Centre in honing skills and updating competencies of the teaching faculty through faculty development programmes.

He said that capacity building of teachers is the main motive behind these refresher courses and the HRDC will continue to enhance the knowledge and abilities of teachers working in diverse streams through these programmes.

Coordinator HRDC  Dr Mohammad Ishaq Geer said the main aim behind this particular course was to deliberate upon the changing paradigms, latest trends and emerging dimensions of social sciences particularly in light of the Covid-19 pandemic and its aftermath.

Course Coordinator Dr Sumeer Gul presented an overview of eminent resource persons invited during the course from within the J&K UT and other parts of the country.

Several participants including Dr Khurshid Ahmad Mir, Dr Manipal Kaur, Dr Maimoona Shah, Dr Adil Bashir and Dr Afshana Chisti gave their feedback and applauded the efforts of the HRDC team in making the course highly relevant, beneficial and interesting.

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