Activities prejudicial to national interest, State’s security prohibited: CJ

Jammu: Chief Justice High Court of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh has ordered that any activity which “is prejudicial to the national interest, security of State, morality or is against the interest of lawyers’ community or the Members of Bar” will be prohibited in the Conference Hall at Lawyers’ Chambers Building, Jammu.

The lawyers will be permitted to use the Conference Hall for organizing conferences, meetings, symposiums, lectures or cultural activities, which are beneficial for the (lawyers’) community.


“The Conference Hall shall, however, not be permitted for holding the activities which are political, religious or personal in nature,” the Chief Justice has further directed.

He has further ordered that the J&K High Court Bar Association, Jammu will be permitted to manage the affairs of the Conference Hall through a Committee that “may be nominated by the Executive Body of the Bar Association.” Term of the Committee will be coterminous with the term of the office of bearers of the Bar Association.

The Chief Justice has issued these directives, while formulating a policy regarding “permission to use the Conference Hall at Lawyers’ Chambers Building, Jammu.”

As per the policy directives, the lawyers’ chambers building, including the Conference Hall, canteen and other facilities provided in the premises are controlled, managed and supervised by the High Court.

“The High Court, as such retains the right to permit user of all the facilities in the premises, primarily for the benefit and welfare of the Advocates registered with the Bar Council of Jammu & Kashmir and Ladakh (powers of which are presently vested in the High Court),” the policy stipulates.

The policy mentions that the Advocates have been allotted chambers in the premises which they are using as licensee on payment of a nominal license fee.

“Likewise, the Conference Hall for lawyers would also be permitted by the High Court to be used by the lawyers through J&K High Court Bar Association, Jammu on license basis, however, there shall be no license fee payable for the same till it is used by the lawyers for the purposes of the activities related to welfare, academic development or other activities related to their profession,” the policy stipulated.

All the applications and requests regarding user of the Conference Hall will be entertained through the Committee and all decisions pertaining to permission for use of the Conference Hall will be considered by such Committee.

“The Committee shall, however, inform the High Court about every such event permitted to be organized in the Conference Hall. The Committee shall ensure the safety, security, maintenance and cleanliness of the Conference Hall at all times. The Committee shall also be authorized to suggest the ways and measures for improvement of the facilities or for any further development to be carried out in the Conference Hall,” the CJ directed.

According to the policy directives, the Committee will take every care to see that the Conference Hall is used only for the common interest of the lawyers’ community and “not to serve the individual interests or interests of smaller segments in the Bar.”

The Committee has also been directed to “maintain record of all the activities carried out in the Conference Hall and monthly return thereof will be forwarded to the High Court under the signatures of the President or Secretary of the J&K High Court Bar Association (JKHCBA), Jammu.

Notably on April 9, Justice B R Gavai, Judge Supreme Court of India had inaugurated AIR Cafe, e-library and conference hall for lawyers at Lawyers Chamber building in Court Complex Jammu.

The twin facilities have been set up within the precincts of Lawyers’ Chambers Building under the guidance of Justice Pankaj Mithal, Chief Justice of J&K and Ladakh. The e-Library available at AIR Café has been established with the help of All India Reporter Private Limited with the objective of augmenting the process of research and enrichment of knowledge.

In his inaugural address, Justice B R Gavai had observed that the AIR Cafe would serve as a one stop research centre for the legal fraternity where they could enrich their legal knowledge with the assistance of legal publications and online e-Library. He said that both the facilities would serve to enhance the legal capabilities and acumen of the lawyers and will foster the environment of sound learning.

Justice Gavai had suggested that the conference hall could be used judiciously as a study centre for the purpose of advancement of legal learning and sharing of knowledge.

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