Admin acts tough against companies selling spurious pesticides

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Anantnag: The law enforcement wing of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare department in south Kashmir has so far withdrawn thirty five samples of pesticides, fertilizers and seeds from the market suspecting them of being of spurious quality.

“Only from March this year a total of 453 samples of pesticides/fertilizers/seeds have been drawn and send for analysis,” Gulzar Ahmad Shergojri , district law enforcement officer (DLEO) South Kashmir said,


He said 35 prosecutions have been launched against the accused in various courts found violating the provisions of insecticides Act 1968, FCO-1985 and seed Act-1966.

“A fine of Rs 1,13,000 has been imposed and recovered from the accused persons/companies during the recently held National Lok Adalat,” Gulzar said.

He said besides ten pesticide dealers have been booked for selling banned chemicals like Phorate and Aluminum phosphide.

DLEO stressed upon the persons involved in the pesticides/fertilizers/seed trade to follow the provisions of the trade related Acts in letter and spirit and abstain from resorting to unfair means in the larger interests of the farming community.

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