Amid rains, authorities review dewatering measures in Srinagar

Divisional Commissioner Kashmir, Pandurang K Pole Thursday conducted tour of Srinagar to review dewatering exercise across the city areas.

During his visit, Pole visited Lal Chowk, Rajbagh, Sonwar, Gogji Bagh, Radio Kashmir, Jawahar Nagar, and other dewatering stations to take first hand appraisal of the dewatering exercise in view of the rainfall.


The Divisional Commissioner, who was accompanied by Commissioner SMC, Gazanfar Ali; SE Drainage along with Executive Engineers, Drainage Circle and other officers inspected the functioning of various permanent dewatering stations and portable mobile pumps across the city.

On the occasion, he directed the SMC to press into services more mobile pumps across the city, particularly at the vulnerable points for a speedy dewatering of numerous submerged areas.

A live demonstration of high capacity dewatering pumps with ranging capacity from two lakh to five lakh litres per hour per unit was presented before the Divisional Commissioner.

The SMC has procured 12 high capacity dewatering units and already pressed them into services at most inundated points.

Commissioner SMC informed Pole that the SMC’s men and machinery were working round-the-clock to ensure that people should not face any inconvenience due to the rain water.

The SMC Commissioner informed that 85 permanent dewatering stations having capacity of 1,300 cusecs and 115 mobile pumping units with a capacity ranging from 75000 litres to 5 lakh litres per unit were in place to dewater inundated areas.

Mobile dewatering pumps have been set up at different points in the city, he informed.

Besides, the SMC has put pressed into Sucker machines and high pressure mobile dewatering units for quick results.

Pole was also briefed about the present scenario of drainage networking highlighting low lying and vulnerable areas and was briefed about the various ongoing drainage schemes and the future plans in drainage networking as well.

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