ANC appoints women’s wing president

Awami National Conference (ANC) President Khalida Shah has appointed Yasmeen Sonaullah as President of ANC’s women’s wing.

A statement of ANC issued here said that Yasmeen hails from Shutloo Rafiabad and works in the Supreme Court of India and Delhi courts. The statement said that the ANC hails Yasmeen’s appointment as its head of the women’s wing.


It said that an LLM from the University of BVP, Pune, she is a member of J&K Civil Society Coordination Committee set up for the protection of Article 370 and 35-A in 2017.

The statement said Yasmeen supported Article 370 petition in the Supreme Court and filed the first clampdown petition in the name of Tahseen Poonawala and the petition against the National Highway ban in J&K.

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