Animal health checkup cum awareness camp held at Ganderbal

The division of veterinary Pathology, SKUAST-K organized an Animal Health checkup cum awareness camp for tribal farmers under the DBT sponsored project on “Augmentation of household income through improvement of production efficiency of Dairy cattle and fodder production” at Babanagari in Ganderbal district today.

According to a statement issued here, around 60 tribal farmers from the locality attended the camp. The clinical animal health checkup camp was organized with an aim to give on spot diseases diagnosis of livestock alignment by experts at the fur flung area of tribal farmers.


“The disease diagnostic mobile vehicle equipped with diagnostic facilities was taken to the site with a team of expert of Veterinary Gynaecology, (Vet Surgery, Vet Medicine) and Veterinary Pathology. The principal investigator of the Project Dr Pankaj Goswami briefed the farmers about the activities conducted under the sponsored project at the Babanagri area. He recognized the fact that due to improper preservation of fodder during the harsh winter periods, the cattle health is affected. He stressed upon the farmers participation in the activities and get the benefit of technologies for management of winter stress of cattle for improvement of milk production and augment the household income,” the statement reads.

After a brief interaction with the farmers, the expert team inspected the livestock’s including cattle, sheep and goat at the site and advised necessary medication. Besides the team of experts also visited some of the households nearby wherever the owners had difficulty to bring the animals to the camp site. As such around 70 animals have been examined by the team and offered necessary treatment. The fodder maize (Var. TLS Class) was also distributed to 50 selected tribals farmers of Babananagri area for demonstration in their fields. The mineral mixture, dewormer and health tonic were also distributed to the farmers for the animals after proper health assessment, the statement said.

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