Apex Body, KDA call for Ladakh bandh on Dec 13

Leh, Dec 10: Two prominent groups in Ladakh Friday called for a complete bandh in Ladakh on December 13 against the government’s alleged failure to withstand its assurance of constitutional safeguard.

Earlier, a bandh call was issued in November for December 6 which was later withdrawn and a fresh date was announced by the regional leaders.


Now the two prominent groups Kargil Democratic Alliance (KDA) and Apex Body Leh have called for the bandh call on December 13.

Addressing a news conference, former Member of Parliament, ThupstanChewang said that the meeting with the stakeholders which include, transporters tourist operators, hotel and restaurant associations, tour operators, and taxi operators besides others ended on a positive note and they assured to extend support on December 13 to make the bandh successful in the region.

The former minister said that despite the assurance to hold talks with the regional leaders, no concrete or sincere steps had been initiated by the government so far.

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