Boost cultural activities at Panchayat level: Advisor Ganai

The Advisor to Governor, Khurshid Ahmed Ganai has called for creation of cultural clubs at Panchayat level to  give boost to the cultural activities across the state.

While chairing a high-level meeting here today, the Advisorstressed the need for organizing various cultural events at panchayat level toprovide a platform to the youth to showcase their talent in culturalactivities. He said State administration is keen to promote the State’s richcultural heritage for the future generations to keep them connected with theirroots and culture. He stressed the need for devising an annual calendar of suchactivities to engage the youth for the promotion of cultural heritage of theState.


The Advisor said that the State has a rich culture and itsdiversity can play a vital role in bringing to fore the talent of people invarious fields. He asked that the talent hunt programmes should be conductedright from the Panchayat level throughout the state so that the process becomesall inclusive and percolates to the ground level. He said that Panchayati RajInstitutions have an important role to play in this regard and advised theparticipating officials to work in synergy and preparing a policy for itseffective implementation on the ground.

It was decided that schools and colleges would be the focalpoint for carrying out these talent hunt programs.  The Department of Culture would be theoverall nodal agency for the programme. It would be done in collaboration withDepartments of Education and Rural Development and Academy of Art, Culture andLanguages, the meeting was informed.

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