Caved in manholes pose risk to Lal Bazar residents

Residents of Qadeem Masjid lane, Lal Bazar, here on Monday complained that Srinagar Municipal Corporation has not raised the height of several manholes in the lane after cleaning the drains.

The residents complained that the caved in manholes have turned into ditches posing risk to children as well as to elders in the area.


They said they had approached the SMC authorities with the request to raise the height of the manholes to the level of the road. “But our pleas have fallen on deaf ears,” they said. 

The residents complained it is only this lane where the manholes have not been raised to the level of the road. “In other lanes, they raised the height of the caved in manholes so that they don’t become the ditches. But our lane has been discriminated against,” they said.

Meanwhile, the residents appealed the commissioner, SMC to look into the matter and direct the officials concerned to raise the level of the manholes to the level of the roads to prevent any accident in the area.

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