CENSUS 2021 | Citizens to answer 31 questions

The 2021 Census beginning from April 1 will ask you an array of 31 questions including your mobile number, access to smartphones and internet facilities.

The Census exercise conducted once every 10 years will notjust collect demographic details like address, age, name and gender but willalso survey whether the citizen uses radio or transistor, TV, laptop orcomputer, telephone or mobile phone or smartphone, vehicles like bicycle, bike,car, etc.


The Centre has issued a gazette notification instructingCensus officers to ask as many as 31 questions to all citizens.

“In exercise of the powers conferred by section 3 andsection 17A of the Census Act, 1948 (37 of 1948) read with rule 6A of theCensus Rules, 1990, the Central Government hereby declares that thehouse-listing operations of the Census of India 2021 shall take place from 1stApril, 2020 to 30th September, 2020 in India,” reads the gazettenotification.

List of questions to be asked during Census 2021:

             Buildingnumber (Municipal or local authority or census number).

             Censushouse number.

             Predominantmaterial of floor, wall and roof of the census house.

             Ascertainuse of census house.

             Conditionof the census house.

             Householdnumber.

             Totalnumber of persons normally residing in the household:

             Nameof the head of the household.

             Sexof the head of the household.

             Whetherthe head of the household belongs to Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribe/Other.

             Ownershipstatus of the census house.

             Numberof dwelling rooms exclusively in possession of the household.

             Numberof married couple(s) living in the household.

             Mainsource of drinking water.

             Availabilityof drinking water source.

             Mainsource of lighting.

             Accessto latrine.

             Typeof latrine.

             Wastewater outlet.

             Availabilityof bathing facility.

             Availabilityof kitchen and LPG/PNG connection.

             Mainfuel used for cooking.

             Radio/Transistor.

             Television.

             Accessto internet.

             Laptop/Computer.

             Telephone/MobilePhone/Smartphone.

             Bicycle/Scooter/Motorcycle/Moped.

             Car/Jeep/Van.

             MainCereal consumed in the household.

             MobileNumber (for census related communications only).

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