CEOs to relieve attached staff, submit report by Aug 20

The school education department has asked all the chief education officers (CEOs) to relieve the attached staff and send them back to their substantive places of posting. An action taken report on this count has been sought by 20 August 2018.

In a circular issued by the department, it has been, however, made clear that while implementing the policy decision on the detachment of staff it should be ensured that “the academic environment is not affected anyway, as has been reiterated by the government time and again”.


An official handout said the CEOs have been asked to detach the attached masters, teachers and other staff.

 “As has been already clarified by the government, deployments made through a proper order, on the basis of rationalization of educational institutions, in the interest of smooth functioning of schools, and on the basis of providing subject specialist teachers won’t be affected by detachments in the larger academic interest of the students,” said secretary education, Rigzian Sampheal.

He said the attachments/deployments made on the grounds of health, marriage, security, and compassion through a proper government order also won’t be disturbed.

The secretary education said out of the total academic manpower strength of 1.32 lakh in the department, 1035 (0.78%) detachments have been ordered by virtue of the government policy decision issued vide order no. 22 of GAD dated: 06-07-2018. He said the CEOs have been asked to implement the decision in respect of 1035 detachments and file the compliance report by 20 August 2018.

Sampheal said the Government is alive to the academic interests of the students and on the directions of the Governor N N Vohra all possible efforts are being made to ensure continuity of the academic activities without any disruption and distraction. 

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