Defeat communal, fascist forces: G A Mir urges people

The Jammu and Kashmir Pradesh Congress Committee (JKPCC) president and party’s candidate for Anantnag Lok Sabha constituency Ghulam Ahmed Mir on Thursday urged people to defeat the “designs of communal and fascist forces,” whom he said, were “hell bent upon to divide the people to serve the vested interests.”

Addressing party cadres from Pampore, Tral, Shopian, Wachiand Pulwama at party office in Srinagar, Mir urged them to gear up for theupcoming elections in south Kashmir to ensure party’s victory with a thumpingmajority.


“The victory of Congress Party will infuse confidence amongthe people in J&K, who have been facing the hardship due to the misrule andmis-governance by unholy alliance PDP-BJP in the state,” he said.

Mir exuded hope that Congress will do extremely well notonly in J&K, but  in the entirecountry and RSS-BJP combine would “bite the dust.”

Lashing out at PDP for betraying and backstabbing people onsensitive issues Mir asked the Congress leaders and workers to reach out to thepeople and make them aware about the “political gimmicks” of the PDP.

Mir also addressed an election rally at Homshalibug in southKashmir’s Anantnag district and exuded hope that people would vote for theCongress party. “Our party is committed to safeguard the special status ofJammu and Kashmir as we firmly believe that Articles 370 and 35A of theConstitution of India are a bridge between Centre and State and no one on earthcan tinker with the special status of the state,” he said, adding that Congresswould never allow BJP to harm these vital Articles.

He also addressed the party leaders of Shopian and Wachi andurged them to strengthen the party in their district.

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