Digital Addiction

Nasreena Aara

Since our introduction to the world of science, we have stepped into the science of easy, blessing and modernization in one way, but on the other side of the fence it is burdening our mental health and social life. The more rapid way we have entered in digital socialization more quickly we have moved away from direct contact with people. The time we spend with people chatting directly with them has drastically reduced, we spend unlimited time on social media and internet surfing. We are amazed by people being followed on different social sites. The idea of success has completely gone upside down. It is seen in quantity of likes, comments and reactions one gets on social sites the more the quantity of reactors and followers one has the more he is judged as perfect being. We pay less heed to people around us, instead we are trapped in electronic gadgets. The quick information we receive about the world miles far from us, the quicker we are becoming unaware about the family, friends and people around us. More the electronic gadgets are entering into our lives, more personal problems are evolving.


These days we see addiction of internet in the form of playing games over internet, spending lot of time on social sites, scrolling over its content, keeping status update here and now, watching videos continuously which have their effect on all age groups children, adolescents and adult. Although internet addiction had its grip on all age groups, most vulnerable category of which are children and adolescents. These days we see children are highly involved in the mobile phones, playing games online. Parents in the name of keeping their children busy and calm handover smartphone to them. A child, who is not mature enough to distinguish between good and bad, is being given cellphone by guardian and parent, and he gets addicted to it. The parents are then compelled to facilitate every time he asks for it. This trend is continuing without considering the consequences and we perceive the end results are highly disappointing. The internet is taking toll on mind of everyone who is addicted to it. Neurological researches on internet gaming addiction and internet addiction report that the response of brain to these addictions is similar to that of other forms of drug addiction.

When defining internet addiction researchers define it as “like spending more and more time using electronic gadgets, seeking pleasure by using phones or internet, feeling touchy when kept away from internet, always moving with thought of these sites”. It has been studied that there are lots of reason why an individual keep on being over internet, like some individuals love to keep status update so they always look for what to post, look for how many views or likes the post or comments he or she had got, or for some people watching funny videos makes them to be involved in their phones etc. One or many reasons keep people busy in these social sites or internet. Mobile phones had entered into our interpersonal relations; many of our relations are weakened by this because we have lot of time to spend on social sites but no time for socialization.

Knowledge is everywhere but education is not. We are giving knowledge to our children by sending them to schools or teacher, but we as parent or guardians least bother about teaching their children with the very reality of world and things.

It is easy to handover phones to children but it is not easy to bear the burden of it. We also lend our children with our customs and tradition rather than knowing what is really beneficial to them in the long run. We mostly see parents who are either very lenient or very strict.

We want our children to be morally mannered but the point is, Are we developing them morally? The answer to this question from many parents is Yes, but when we keep on enquiring from them about the issue how they execute it? The answer one receives is “by sending their children to school”.

The parents least care about how their children are growing. Such situation seems like we are sowing on sand and expecting the wheat to grow up. We all are involved in this process. The child who is so innocent and immature to know all end consequence but elders who are aware of the bad influences of this internet, all keep on visiting post, apps which are not beneficial to them.

Taking care of mind the most avoidable task by many.

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