‘Dignity, development NC’s objective’

National Conference (NC) Sunday said that the party’s objective had never been power but dignity and development of the people.

A statement of NC issued here said that welcoming new entrants into the party fold, NC’s District President Ganderbal, Sheikh Ishfaq Jabbar said, “NC is not a mere political party, but a movement with well-defined political agenda. The workers of NC are an epitome of sacrifice and selfless service who have withstood all challenges and proven their loyalty towards the people, party and its leadership.”


He said that a realisation had dawned on the people that there was no alternative to NC and the party alone could represent the social, political and economic aspirations and multifarious problems effectively and single-mindedly of the people of the erstwhile state of Jammu and Kashmir.

Meanwhile, NC President Farooq Abdullah and Vice President Omar Abdullah expressed grief over the demise of the mother of the NC Provincial Vice President Syed Tauqeer Ahmad.

NC General Secretary Ali Muhammad Sagar and senior leaders Mustafa Kamal, Nasir Aslam Wani, Devender Rana and others also expressed solidarity with Ahmad.

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