Domestic Abuse and Violence

Women comprise the nucleus of family. The strong values in a society are nurtured through dignified and strong women.

The other day, I noticed the front page news item of this paper (GK) wherein it was informed that another life was lost to domestic violence. It send shivers down my spine.


Women face various challenges not only within the country but also at global level. A chunk of women folk are conflict ridden due to various issues confronting them at individual and societal level.

The impact of prevailing situations at global level, post covid 19 scenario, and violation of their rights, have a far reaching effect on their normal life. It will be out of context to discuss gender equality unless we check women abuse and atrocities.

Here in India we have witnessed a surge in crimes and a lot of complaints are received by the National Commission for women. As per data of NCW (GOI) the complaints received pertaining to various crimes against women from January 2021 to July has been 3,248, which is highest in a month since June 2015 as per reports.

Some main challenges women face are cyber crimes, gender discrimination, dowry harassment, outraging modesty of women, attempt to rape, stalking and scores of crimes. The highest number of crimes are due to lack of right to live with dignity.

In this regard 7715 complaints were made by women. If our society makes it a point to bolster the image and dignity of women that will be a great service to women folk.

Domestic violence and harassment are two big challenges face by our society. Government needs to prioritise the disposal of complaints lying with various bodies and dispose cases in a fast track manner.

The trend of female foeticide has affected the female sex ratio across country. Govt. has made stringent laws to contain this malpractice and has succeeded to a considerable extent.

The fifth report of parliamentary committee empowerment of women for the year 2021-22 has mentioned that delaying final decision in Pending cases has a tendency to dilute the spirit of PC & PNDT (pre-conception and pre-Natal Diagnostic Technique).

The Act 1994 was enacted to stop the female foeticide and pre-natal sex determination . Ministry of home affairs has revealed that in past months cyber crimes against women have increased. The honour killings is another matter of concern where we observe killing of female for honour.

Honour crimes violate article 14,15,19,21 and 39 of Indian constitution. The national family health survey (NFHS) showed that in JK 9.6% of women in the age group of 18 o 49 experienced domestic violence in 2019-20. These demand attention of all the stake-holders. More startling fact is that in a few cases even well educated and well-off families were found involved.

No doubt it is the duty of conscientious citizens to safeguard and ensure women rights and ensure dignified life to women in all spheres of life. The Government needs to rebuild an efficient system for speedy delivery of justice and redress their grievances at the earliest. Even educated women should contribute their bit.

The victims need counselling for which management experts must be made available round the clock; even complaints of very small nature need serious view and note. Women should shake the stereotypes and approach the women rights bodies; in case of emergency they need to get help from women help line and other forums.

For better and dignified life the education of women is prerequisite. The participation of women in various spheres of life will set precedence for posterity, and society can be purged from of abusers. The women need to use logic and wit in dealing various challenges.

Education fosters great values so women should develop valour, resilience, and show tenacious approach in challenging situations and become inspiring, enthusiastic and hopeful; only that can ensure assure an honourable life.

Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are the personal opinions of the author.

The facts, analysis, assumptions and perspective appearing in the article do not reflect the views of GK.

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