End ambiguity, will talk: JRL to Delhi

The Joint Resistance Leadership said on Tuesday that they were ready to join a dialogue on Kashmir but demanded that New Delhi first end ambiguity in its stand on such an engagement.

The JRL trio – Syed Ali Geelani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Mohammad Yasin Malik –  issued a joint statement following a meeting at Geelani’s Hyderpora residence declaring their readiness for a dialogue for the resolution of Kashmir.  However, the leaders said, the noises about the talks emanating from New Delhi were vague. 


 “While Mr Rajnath Singh says there should be dialogue with both Kashmir and Pakistan, he also says that both Kashmir and Kashmiris belong in India.  Sushma Swaraj says no talks with Pakistan unless terror is stopped. Mr Amit Shah says the ceasefire is not for militants but for the people. State DGP has issued a statement that it’s time for militants to return home,” the statement said. “All this ambiguity leaves little room for us to consider talks for the sake of talks.  Only talks for the resolution of the problem in Kashmir warrant a response.” 

The JRL  also takes exception to the Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s invocation of development as the solution to Kashmir issue during his recent visit to the state. “This puts onus of bringing peace to Kashmir on the people and absolves government of India of all role and responsibility,” the statement said. “Deliberately choosing to ignore the historical background of the Kashmir problem, it’s internal and external dimensions, the reason for the presence of lakhs of troops, the daily aggression and the highly volatile situation on the ground and on LoC, it is like Modi was playing a cruel joke on us.”

The leaders have sought clarification as to the nature of the “talks” to which Rajnath has referred in his recent interview to a television channel. 

“What is the agenda of these talks? Is it about Modi’s suggestion of development?” the statement asked.  “The JRL does not want to score points by highlighting the discrepancies and conflicts in their statements but wants to understand what Government of India is conveying through them to respond accordingly”.

The leaders said they were keen to “find an end” to the conflict since people of J&K were its worst victims. 

“We have always advocated that being a political and human issue Kashmir needs to be addressed. But not militarily as GoI has been doing. And the dialogue among stakeholders is the best process and option available,” the statement said. “As J&K is a divided territory and half of it is in Pakistan, this dispute has three stakeholders India, Pakistan, and people of this land. Meaningful talks based on a clear agenda underlined by a sincerity of purpose among the three stakeholders is an assured and peaceful way to resolve the conflict of Kashmir in all its forms and dimensions.”

The statement said that the absence of any one stakeholder in the process will not yield any solution. “It is also important to have transparency in such a process and an assurance from all sides that promises and pledges made will be honoured,” the statement said. “Talks that keep in view the concerns and needs of the stakeholders especially that of the most affected party will surely be successful and result oriented.” 

The statement said that any effort that GoI makes in this direction will find takers in Kashmir and Pakistan. “Let GoI give clarity on what it wants to talk about and speak in one tongue we are ready to join the process,” the statement said. “We have invested heavily in our struggle for our right to self-determination and cannot afford to be part of ambiguous efforts that have no clarity and direction.”

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