Escalating Conflict in Israel & Gaza enters 3rd day with no respite; fear of escalation looms large

New Delhi: In the heart of South Israel and Jerusalem, the haunting wail of air raid sirens has become a terrifyingly common sound. Each time the sirens blare, it signals that rockets from Gaza are hurtling toward Israeli cities.

The immediate response of civilians is to seek shelter, clutching their loved ones, in the hope of avoiding becoming casualties of this relentless barrage. Recent reports indicate that at least three explosions rocked Jerusalem on Monday and several explosions in scattered towns of South Israel.


The city of Ashkelon, located in southern Israel, has borne the brunt of these intermittent rocket attacks, resulting in additional injuries to half a dozen civilians on Monday’s attack. In nearby Ashdod, a woman was critically injured and rushed to the hospital. The escalation of violence has left Israeli civilians living in fear for their lives, as the conflict enters its third day.

Human Toll on Both Sides including US and UK citizens

The United States government has officially confirmed the loss of nine of its citizens in Israel. In a statement, the White House expressed its profound condolences to the victims and their families, while also wishing a swift recovery to those who were injured.

Additionally, reports indicate that over ten British citizens are feared to be either dead or missing in Israel in the wake of the recent attacks initiated by Hamas from Gaza, as revealed by a reliable UK source to the BBC.

The conflict has exacted a heavy toll on both Israelis and Palestinians. As the Israeli military continues to clash with Hamas militants in towns along the border with Gaza, the casualties continue to mount. Tragically, at least 700 Israelis have lost their lives, and nearly 2,400 have been wounded since Hamas launched a surprise invasion on a Saturday morning.

On the other side of the border, in Gaza, Palestinian around 500 people are dead and 2,751 wounded. The civilian population in Gaza is grappling with the devastating consequences of this conflict, trapped in a densely populated enclave with limited access to essential resources and health services.

Rocket Barrage and Counter-strikes

According to the Israel Defence Forces (IDF), 3,284 rockets have been fired from the Gaza Strip. Hamas, however, claims that the number surpasses 5,000. In response, Israel has conducted strikes on 653 Hamas targets. The relentless exchange of fire continues day and night, straining Israel’s air defence system, known as the Iron Dome, to its limits. Despite its effectiveness, the Iron Dome cannot intercept every rocket fired from Gaza, leaving Israeli cities vulnerable.

Israeli Defence Minister Yoav Gallant has announced a “complete siege” on the Gaza Strip, a move aimed at depriving Hamas of essential resources. He stated, “No electricity, no food, no fuel.” The situation on the ground suggests that Israel is preparing for a major military operation in Gaza, with tanks, troops, and armoured vehicles massing near the border. Reserved troops have been mobilized, with reports suggesting that up to 300,000 reservists may be called upon to join the effort.

Gaza’s Isolation and Control

Israel’s control over Gaza’s airspace and shoreline, as well as its restrictions on the movement of goods and people through border crossings, exacerbates the humanitarian crisis. This control has been a contentious issue for years, contributing to the ongoing conflict. Despite international calls for a ceasefire, both sides remain locked in a deadly cycle of violence.

Hamas’s “Operation Swords of Iron” continues with intermittent rocket attacks targeting Israeli towns. Additionally, attempts by Hamas militants to infiltrate Israel have led to ongoing gunfire battles in multiple towns and cities in the south of Israel.

International Response and Economic Impact

The international community has responded to the crisis with a mix of actions and statements. Austria has suspended aid to Palestinians and Germany may follow in response to Hamas’s attack on Israel. The Bank of Israel has undertaken unprecedented measures, selling up to $30 billion of foreign currency in the open market to stabilize the economy amid the conflict. These efforts have had some success in mitigating early losses in the shekel exchange rate.

Meanwhile, global stock markets have been affected by the escalating conflict, with many experiencing declines. Israeli authorities have assured that Ben-Gurion Airport, the country’s main international gateway, remains operational despite concerns over missile threats.

Iran’s Involvement and International Diplomacy

Iran, a known supporter of Hamas, has called for an emergency meeting of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to discuss the conflict. However, Iran has denied allegations of direct involvement in Hamas’s assault on Israel, asserting that it respects Palestine’s autonomy in decision-making.

The United Nations Security Council held an emergency session to address the situation but failed to reach a consensus. While many countries condemned the attacks by Hamas, the United States expressed regret over the lack of unanimity in the Security Council’s response. Russia, a key player in the international arena, advocated for a broader focus beyond condemning Hamas and called for an immediate ceasefire and meaningful negotiations.

Evacuation Efforts and International Support

As the conflict intensifies, countries are taking measures to evacuate their nationals from the affected region. Nations like Serbia, Romania, Thailand, and Kazakhstan are working to ensure the safety of their citizens. The United Kingdom’s Foreign Office has issued a travel warning, advising against all but essential travel to Israel.

Union Minister of State for External Affairs, Meenakshi Lekhi, stated that the Prime Minister’s Office is actively overseeing the current situation in Israel and is working to facilitate the return of stranded Indian students. She emphasised the Indian government’s commitment to repatriating these students. She noted that both the Prime Minister and his office are closely monitoring the evolving circumstances, with substantial efforts underway to ensure the safe return of our fellow citizens stuck in Israel.

In a show of support, the United States has increased its assistance to Israel, dispatching munitions and reinforcing its forces in the region. The rapid and coordinated nature of Hamas’s attack has left analysts and observers shocked, raising questions about external support and the extent of preparation behind such a large-scale operation.

Global Security Measures

The United States is deploying naval vessels and combat aircraft to bolster regional deterrence efforts in light of the ongoing conflict. A US Navy aircraft carrier, accompanied by guided-missile cruisers and destroyers, is heading to the eastern Mediterranean. Additionally, US Air Force squadrons in the Middle East are receiving reinforcements, including munitions, underscoring unwavering support for the Israel Defence Forces and the Israeli people.

Hostages and Unanswered Questions

Disturbing reports suggest that hostages have been taken during the conflict, with Israel reporting that 100 individuals, including soldiers and civilians, have been captured. Videos circulating online show injured Israelis being paraded through Gaza’s streets. In one media report, they said four hostages were killed in an Israeli action.

The swiftness and severity of the surprise attack have left Israel stunned. Questions linger about the failure of Israeli intelligence to detect Hamas’s extensive preparations, including the stockpiling of rockets and arms. The scale and secrecy of Hamas’s planning have exposed a significant gap in Israel’s intelligence network. Crucially, the identity of those who supported, guided, and trained Hamas in this operation remains a subject of critical inquiry.


The conflict between Israel and Hamas/Palestine has escalated to unprecedented levels, with devastating consequences for both sides. The toll on civilians, including children and families, is mounting, and the humanitarian situation is dire. The international community is grappling with how to respond effectively to end the violence and protect innocent lives. It is being compared to 9/11 in the United States, Pearl Harbor Or 26/11 in Mumbai.

As the conflict rages on, questions surrounding its origins, the extent of external support for Hamas, and the failure of intelligence agencies persist. Finding a path to peace and stability in the region remains a formidable challenge, one that will require not only immediate diplomatic efforts but also a comprehensive understanding of the complex dynamics at play in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

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