Far-flung, backward areas most neglected: Vikar Rasool Wani

Srinagar, July 30: PCC Chief Vikar Rasool Wani today said that under the BJP rule the poor and downtrodden sections are witnessing only hollow slogans and false promises.

He said the reality is that the BJP Government at Centre has betrayed people and failed them on every count. “Far flung areas in J&K are most neglected in every respect be it the employment, be it the development or be it other privileges people deserve,”Wani said. He stated that the entire J&K including border belts, other far-flung and backward areas are facing hardships in absence of the democratic setup, which guarantees proper representation to every section of the people living in J&K, unfortunately.


According to a press release, Wani made these comments while addressing a public gathering in border belt Machil area of North Kashmir.

He cautioned the people especially STs, Paharis SCs, OBCs about BJP’s designs of using them for electoral gains, whilst the Centre has failed to deliver on every count. He said BJP’s endeavor to play Phari, ST and Hindu- Muslim card for the lust of power is highly condemnable and should work as an eye opener for the people. “BJP’s political exploitation and its endeavor to mislead people for the sake of power has to be defeated in the larger interests of J&K, which is apparently under assault since the BJP assumed power at Centre,”Wani said.

He appealed to people , especially those living in border and far flung areas not to fall prey to deceitful policies, as that, BJP has always played with the emotions of the people and used them for power. Referring to the development of border residents, Wani expressed surprise over the claims being made by the government day in and day out and termed these as hollow and baseless, adding that the developmental process started in J&K by consecutive UPA governments has received severe setbacks, mere official handouts and inauguration of already sanctioned projects by UPA won’t hide the reality .

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