Forgotten historical events

There have been some events during the Dogra period on which hardly anything has been written. In this case Khalid Bashir Ahmad has come with his latest book “Kashmir A Walk Through History”. The book consists of seven well researched essays. 

The first chapter of the book “The Missing Mosque” discusses the mysterious demolition of mosque at Sankaracharya with details about the history of mosque built by Sultan Mahmood on the advice of Mir Mohammad Hamdani, by giving reference of books, travelogues, documentary proof, personal interviews. How it could have been demolished by Maharaja of Mysore. The second chapter “History Of A Pilgrimage” discusses the history of Amarnath Yatra. The author has used rich bibliography in the essay from Kalhana’s, Jonaraja’s, Srivara’s Rajtarangini to G.M.D Sufi’s, Muhib Ul Hassan,P.N.K Bamzai, Gwasha Fazl Koul, J.C Dutt, Abul Fazal, R.K Parmo’s work. The author traces the mention of it in R.K Parimoo’s work only. 


The third and fourth chapter of the book ” Jammu Massacres” and “Eyewitnesses To Bloodshed” discusses in detail about the least written Jammu Massacre. The third chapter gives us details about the Jammu massacre; the wide range of figures of people killed, and the people migrating to Pakistan. The banishment of Swami Sant Dev by Maharaja Hari Singh in 1944 and his mysterious coming back in 1946 and his support in the killing of Jammu Muslims.The exile of journalist G.K Reddy by Maharaja for reporting facts about Dogra violence. How state and administration executed the massacre. How Balraj Puri, an eminent political activist, writer, and his father were threatened by Governor Chopra for helping Muslims. 

The fourth chapter is a primary source with interviews of more than ten survivors of Jammu massacre who lost their beloved ones in the state violence, their horrific stories. They include some prominent political activists, legislators also. 

The fifth chapter “Jinnah And Kashmir” gives us Quadi Azam’s four visits to Kashmir, and the details of two cases he fought in Kashmir. The author even talks about least known visit of Quaid in 1920’s with his wife Ruttie, and how he spent money on her. In detail, Khalid writes about the last visit of Qauid and his speeches at different places with audience in thousands. K.H Khurshid’s journey from orient press to Quaid’s Personal Secretary also figures in the book.

The sixth chapter “A Scripted Controversy”discusses about Urdu language. How Sheikh Abdullah said that if Congress wants Sanskrit as official language, I am for it. Also the stand of Prem Nath Bazaz on two script order, and  the stand on Urdu in Naya Kashmir manifesto.

The last chapter of the book “Recollections Of A Century” is an interview of author with 106 year old Mohammad Sidiq Parray of Sonwar about Kashmir politics, history, development etc. His friendship with Henry Nedou and how he became Muslim. How he came to Kashmir through Maharaja Pratap Singh and build two hotels in valley and his stand against Begum’s marriage to Sheikh Abdullah.

The book makes a good wholesome contribution, talking about forgotten events of Kashmir.

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