FREE ADMISSIONS TO CHILDREN FROM WEAKER SECTIONS: Missionary schools ‘don’t divulge’ details

In disregard to norms, the missionary schools here have not divulged details about admissions, if any, made by them in favour of children from weaker sections.

The schools including Tyndale Biscoe and Mallinson higher secondary school, Burn Hall and Presentation Convent here are required to provide 10 percent of their admissions in kindergarten classes free of cost to the students from weaker sections every year.


The condition has been set for these schools in lieu of the state land leased out to them by the government against insignificant amount of rent. 

“Recently, Presentation Convent School had applied for NoC to extend the lease. The school education department asked it to submit the details of students provided free admission this year. The school submitted a list of students without proper details,” said an official of the school education department.

He said a letter was sent to the school management to furnish the list of these students with parentage and address. “But they have not divulged the information,” the official said.

The official said the other missionary schools also didn’t submit the list of students from weaker sections, if any, enrolled in the schools.

“None of these schools submitted the list of these students, if any, to the department. Even we are not sure whether they entertain the students from weaker sections for whom they are required to keep 10 percent admission reserved,” the official said.

Spokesperson of Presentation Convent School said they have given 10 percent admission to the students from weaker section. He, however, didn’t divulge details about the students. “Whatever the condition is, it is between the department and the school,” he said.

Principal Tyndale Biscoe and Mallinson higher secondary school, Parvaiz Kaul said they accommodate more than 10 percent students for their admission in the school.

“We accommodate more than 10 percent students for free admission. Those who approach us get accommodated on merit,” he said. 

An official said these schools don’t submit the details of the weaker section students to district administration as well. “As per norms they have to publish the list of students belonging to the weaker sections who are enrolled in these schools but they don’t follow the norms,” the official said.

Director school education Kashmir (DSEK) G N Itoo said none of the missionary schools in Srinagar has given details of the weaker section students enrolled in the institutions. “They never do it,” he said.

He however added that the government will come up with a law wherein all the issues related to the functioning of private schools will be dealt with.

“Deliberations are going on in this regard. New Education Act will enable the government to fully control the private schools. 10 percent free admission in missionary schools will also be taken care of in the Act,” he said, adding that the schools will be given the list of these students by the government to ensure that deserving lot is benefited.

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