Gear up diplomacy on Kashmir, Salahuddin to Pakistan

United Jihad Council supremo Syed Salahuddin Monday accused New Delhi of “using its military might to crush sentiments of Kashmiris.” Salahuddin also urged Pakistan “to gear up its diplomatic efforts on Kashmir”. 

He also advised political leadership of Kashmir to unite and foil the evil designs of the enemy.  


In an emailed statement Salahuddin said New Delhi had failed to suppress Kashmiris. “The way Indian forces have killed 17 Kashmiris in Shopian and Anantnag and wounded hundreds of people by pellets and bullets amply proves that India has completely failed in Kashmir,” Salahuddin said.   “Instead of reading the writing on the wall, India wants to strengthen its forcible control in Jammu and Kashmir using all the military tactics”.

Salahuddin expressed anguish over the silence of international community and said that the people of Kashmir have the right to question the role of international organizations. 

“These organizations even know when India fails to kill a Kashmiri, it disables him for whole life,” he said.  The UJC chief paid glorious tributes to slain militants and civilians.

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