Grim electricity scenario affecting normal life: AAP

Srinagar, Dec 16:  Kashmir provincial president of Aam Aadmi Party, Dr Ghulam Mustafa today said that administration should revisit and introspect on its slogans of uninterrupted electricity supply in Jammu and Kashmir.

In a statement, he said that  government  is badly failing to provide proper electricity as per need amid bone chilling winter season and this all is badly affecting normal life of people.


He said, ” Kashmir is going through a bone chilling winter season phase and electricity is one of the most important need of this season but poor electricity scenario has always been a hurdle and the situation is prevailing this year also.”

Dr  Ghulam Mustafa further said that successive Governments have failed to provide proper and required electricity in previous years and same is being repeated this year also with tall slogans of J&K LG administration have failed to do anything towards improvement and augmentation of electricity sector with all tall slogans made by LG administration in this aspect are without any practical outcome.

” Grim electricity scenario is badly affecting normal life in the area but unfortunately situation is getting grim with each passing day with no positive concern shown by J&K Government,” he further said.

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