Historic Awanta Bhawan faces ‘official apathy’

Faulty drainage system at Doctors’ Lane in the historic Awanta Bhawan area of Soura has caused immense problems for the residents, the locals said.

The deep drain, according to the residents, was commissionedtwo decades ago to National Building Construction Corporation India Ltd but itlasted few months. “We have approached Raj Bhawan several times. TheGovernor’s office took up the matter with SMC but the SMC authorities passedthe buck to R&B. Then we traced NBCC officials who admitted the fault andpromised action, ” said Abdul Qayoom Shah, a resident of Doctors’ Lane.


More than 50 households inhabit the Doctors’ Lane, whichcame up in 1990s. “All of us suffer but women and children suffer more.Often the kids trip in the lane, which looks like a stream even in hotsummer,” said Fayaz Ahmad , another resident.

Awanta Bhawan is a historic town that was built by RaniAmrita Prabha, Queen of King Meghwahan. The main road of Awanta Bhawan leads toVichar Nag , where two Shiva Temples and two holy springs have attracteddevotees for long. “But for the lack of approaches from Awanta Bhawan, thetemples wear deserted look. We used to go to the springs in during ourchildhood but now the roads around the temple site are in a shambles. Even themain road of Awanta Bhawan that leads to Doctors’ Lane and many other coloniesis in a shambles,” rues Abdul Qayoom Shah. He said the matter has alreadybeen taken up with the NBCC Ltd but the officials are yet to wake up to amistake committed twenty years ago.

The locals said if developed fully, the Awanta Bhawan roadcould serve as an alternative route to Sonmarg and the traffic jams duringAmarnath Yatra could be avoided.  

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