Interactive session held at MERC

Syed Nazakat, founder DataLeads and editor-in-chief Centre of Investigative Journalism visited Media Education Research Centre (MERC), University of Kashmir today and interacted with the students, scholars and the faculty.

He shared his experiences in the media with the participantsand emphasized on a positive and professional approach to the assignments as ajournalist.


“Develop passion for the profession”, he stressed, whilediscussing contemporary media scenario and the possibilities therein. He urgedstudents to adopt design thinking and learn to curate information for exploringinnovative vistas at global level. Senior faculty member MERC, Nasir Mirza saidthat such interactions help the participants to enhance their understanding ofthe subject so as to be better professionals. Speaking on the occasion, HODMERC Dr. Aaliya Ahmed thanked the visiting expert and hoped that there will bemore such interactions in the future.

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