Kashmir traders body condemns highway blockade, ban

The Kashmir Economic Alliance Chairman Muhammad Yasin Khan on Wednesday expressed serious concern over the highway blockade.

In a statement, Khan who also heads the Kashmir Traders andManufacturers Federation said: “For the last over a week, no goods includingessential commodities have reached Kashmir as a result of which Kashmir iscraving for life.”


“While the highway remained blocked for many days due tofaulty widening, which the government has failed to check, the two day ban hasonly compounded the public woes,” Khan said,

He said it was unfortunate that despite the appeals made tothe Chief Secretary, the government is unwilling to bring accountability in theongoing highway widening.

“Not bad weather alone but more of improper widening hasbecome a cause of the frequent blockades but government is silent on the issuewas if the crises in Kashmir is not supposed to be a concern,” said Khan.

He said the highway mess has affected the marriage seasonand also the tourism.

“Even no mutton and eggs are available. What will the peoplecook at weddings even if the celebrations have to be genuinely void of anyextravagance?” he asked.

He said the highway blockade had also affected thebusinesses, including tourism.

“At the start of new season the traders are unable to fetchstocks while tourism is equally affected due to this,” he said.

He said most of the livestock and perishable items rot dueto highway blockade and that the traders were suffering huge economic losses.

Khan appealed to Governor SP Malik to personally look intothe matter and take Kashmir out of highway crises.

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