Kashmir’s 1st Covid-19 patient recovering

Director SKIMS Dr AG Ahangar Tuesday said that first patient of coronavirus in Kashmir was recovering and would be discharged after completion of quarantine period.

He made this announcement during a pressconference jointly addressed by him and deputy commissioner Srinagar ShahidIqbal Choudhary.


“We have a good news to share. The firstpatient who was tested positive of virus is recovering fast. We are confidentthe patient would be discharged after completion of quarantine period,” DrAhangar said.

Kashmir tested its first positive virus caseon 18 March, with a patient having travel history to Saudi Arabia.

“I salute my team, employees,medicos, nurses and para medicos who are there working round the clock. We areready to meet any kind of emergency,” Dr Ahangar said.

However, he was quick to add thatbest treatment against virus is to prevent it from infecting an individual andcommunity.

“The concern is that the virustransmission is fast when an infected person comes in contact with others. Asingle infection has capacity to infect multiple persons. So, we are tellingthe best thing is to break the chain. Prevention is better than cure. Maintainsocial distancing,” he said.

He added that health advisoriesand prohibitory orders issued by authorities must be followed in letter andspirit.

He added that bed capacity totreat positive cases, number of ventilators and other necessary infrastructureis being increased in view of COVID-19 threat. 

He said that tele-consultationhas been made available for people, with landline numbers and 25 mobile numbersof medics who are available to people 24×7. “Visit the hospital only when it isextremely unavoidable,” he said.

DC Srinagar Shahid IqbalChoudhary said that health advisories and prohibitory orders were “not a choicebut compulsory.”

He informed that his appeal forprivate medicos and para medicos has received warm response, with 1200 peoplevolunteering for the services.

He added that districtadministration has put arrangements in place for home-delivery of ration to theconsumers.

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