Kunzer boys cover 460 Km distance on cycles

Srinagar: Four youngsters from Tangmarg’s Kunzer neighbourhood who are avid cyclists completed the trip from Gulmarg to Ladakh in five days after setting out on their expedition on July 13.

All four bikers arrived in Leh on Sunday after travelling 460 kilometres in total.


Zahid Hilal Dar, Danish Hamid Sheikh, Syed Junaid and Ashique Ahmed Sheikh completed their dream journey on cycles successfully.

Among four riders three are of the under-18 age group and have been preparing for this gruelling travel for months.

“We had this ambition of cycling from Kashmir to Ladakh, which is a difficult journey. We trained for months to make it feasible, and today we finally realised our dream, “Zahid, one of the riders, stated.

“We’ll keep making these trips and try to find new paths. We also want to inspire them and demonstrate to them that life is about more than squandering it on unhealthy addictions,” he added.

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