Lifting ban on social media good omen: Altaf Bukhari

Former Finance Minister AltafBukhari on Thursday welcomed lifting of curbs on social media in Jammu and Kashmir, saying the move has come as a “good omen” before the launch of his party.

In a statement, Bukhari said he was happy with thedevelopment as the people especially youth of J&K were feelingdiscriminated in absence of being connected with outside world through use ofmodern technological facilities.


“I look at this development as a good omen for the launch ofour party that is scheduled in coming few days. Since lifting of curbs onsocial media was one of our demands submitted to the government, peopleespecially our youth now feel relaxed after rewiring with their friends andacquaintances across the globe,” he said.

Bukhari, however, demanded restoration of 4G internetservices on phones and broadband services for optimum utilization of internetfacilities by people particularly the businessmen and the students’ community.

Bukhari said Supreme Court’s verdict on internet restorationhad given a sigh of relief to the people of Jammu and Kashmir who sufferedbecause of communication blockade in last over six months.

“The Supreme Court’s verdict vis-a-vis restoration offundamental rights of citizens of Jammu and Kashmir assumed much significancegiven the scale of loss suffered by people especially in education, health andbusiness sectors due to the continuous internet shutdown. The government musthonour the apex court’s verdict and implement the same in letter and spiritwithout any further delay,” he said.

The former Minister reiterated his call for immediaterelease of three former chief ministers and other political workers, detainedin and outside Jammu and Kashmir.

“I don’t think there is any reason or rationale behindcontinuing detention of the three former chief ministers, DrFarooq Abdullah,Omar Abdullah and Mehbooba Mufti. Similarly, other political workers, who arein jails, should also be released to make the situation more conducive forpolitical process in J&K,” said Bukhari.

To win over the confidence of people of Jammu and Kashmiri,Bukhari said government of India should accord a positive consideration to the otherdemands put forth by his delegation in the shape of a memorandum submitted toLieutenant Governor of J&K on January 7, at Jammu.

“We are of firm belief that the economic development cantake place only if there is normalcy and stability in the region. Need of thehour is to rebuild an atmosphere of trust and tranquillity in Jammu andKashmir. That can only happen when main apprehensions among people of Jammu andKashmir are allayed in a just and humane manner,” Bukhari said while urging forimplementation of his other demands at earliest.

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