Momentum shouldn’t break

We have talked about this virus so much that a repulsive fatigue has set in. For a break we might dwell on a subject other than this, but something happens and our mental and psychological antenna turns on. And this something seems to be taking shape, and we need to be very alert to it. The 3rd wave of covid pandemic is not a hoax.

It is not an unfounded apprehension. It is something that is lurking there and if we don’t stay guard it can sneak in without us being in a state of preparedness. As we listen to experts and as the news from different corners of the world pours in, the danger of this virus mounting another attack looks like very real. We have seen that a country like China that is praised, among many other things, for its state of the art infrastructure, is feeling the heat again.


The epicentre of this whole pandemic, Wuhan, was back in news somedays back. We saw how millions were inoculated again. If a country that is considered as an example of speed and efficiency in terms of controlling the pandemic is once again sensing threat, we should be more than concerned. Near home a state like Kerala, that is considered as having responded to this crisis better than any other state in India, is again feeling the danger.

In J&K, past some days, we have had mortalities again. Though the numbers are very low, ones and twos, but it goes on to show that we have started lowering the guard. The upshot of the whole matter is that we need to continue with the SoPs and follow the protocol strictly.

If we have markets now open for all the days of a week, and the weekend curfew has been lifted, it doesn’t mean we take things lightly. If it means anything it is that we now need to act more responsibly.

Our small acts of wearing a mask, or maintaining social distance can contribute in a big way to averting the danger in the days ahead. That a timely stitch saves nine is insufficient to capture the scene here; may be just keeping the wound clean saves us from amputation. Let the guard not be lowered, and let there be no break in the momentum.

In J&K, past some days, we have had mortalities again. Though the numbers are very low, ones and twos, but it goes on to show that we have started lowering the guard. The upshot of the whole matter is that we need to continue with the SoPs and follow the protocol strictly.

If we have markets now open for all the days of a week, and the weekend curfew has been lifted, it doesn’t mean we take things lightly. If it means anything it is that we now need to act more responsibly.

Our small acts of wearing a mask, or maintaining social distance can contribute in a big way to averting the danger in the days ahead. That a timely stitch saves nine is insufficient to capture the scene here; may be just keeping the wound clean saves us from amputation. Let the guard not be lowered, and let there be no break in the momentum.

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