Outdated CT scan machine affects COVID diagnosis in Rajouri

In tough times of coronavirus pandemic, the Computerised Tomography (CT) scan machine installed in Government Medical College Rajouri is proving to be of no use for detection of lungs infection due to its outdated version and single slice nature.

Official sources told Greater Kashmir that the outdated single slice CT scan machine installed in Rajouri hospital years ago remained defunct for years and was repaired four months ago.


However this machine is proving useless in tough times of COVID pandemic due to its single slice nature and inability to perform proper CT scan test of chest region.

They said that a number of COVID positive patients in Rajouri are being suggested by doctors to go for chest CT scan to detect the level of infection in lungs but such patients are left with no other option but to go for CT scan test in private against payment of hefty amount.

“Our present CT scan machine is almost outdated and is single slice whereas in medical field, sixteen or thirty two slice CT scan machine is considered basic,” doctors of GMC Rajouri told Greater Kashmir on the condition of anonymity

They said that there is a need of 16 or 32 slice updated machine especially when it comes to conduct CT scan of lungs and chest for COVID infection diagnosis.

Deputy Commissioner Rajouri, Rajesh K Shavan that a CT scan machine is already installed in GMC but we are trying to install an updated one in the hospital and the process to procure the same is underway.

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