Parties criticise dropping ‘Sher-e-Kashmir’ title from Conference Centre’s name

Several political parties on Tuesday criticized the government for rechristening public places and landmarks in J&K.

Jammu Kashmir Apni Party(JKAP) President Altaf Bukhari took a strong exception to the priorities of thegovernment, saying instead of rechristening names, the focus should have beenon addressing sufferings of people.


Referring to the decisionof J&K administration to drop “Sher-i-Kashmir”, from name ofgovernment-owned Convention Centre, Sher-i-Kashmir International ConferenceCentre and renaming it as Kashmir International Conference Centre, Bukhari saidby changing names, the priorities of government seem less about day-to-daydifficulties faced by people.

“Ratherthan expending on renaming sign boards of buildings, historical roads andtunnels, the government could have explored means to release pending salariesof daily wagers in J&K,” Bukhari said.

Taking serious note of”unabated moves to “wipe out legacy of Quit Kashmir Movement” and itsleadership, the CPI (M) said it was a “brazen attack” on the history of J&Kand to undermine contribution of leadership led by Sheikh Mohammed Abdullah.

In a statement, the CPI-Mleader MY Tarigami said “Sher-e-Kashmir” was not just a title but a gloriouschapter of history in Jammu and Kashmir.

“We might have differencewith Sheikh Mohammad Abdullah but that doesn’t mean we should undermine his andhis colleagues historic role which they played right from their advent on thepolitical scene,” Tarigami said.

Tarigami said droppingpublic holiday on July 13, Martyrs Day and birth anniversary of Sheikh Abdullahand removal of the title of Sher-e-Kashmir from state award and police medaland renaming the Convention Centre exposes the “dubious stand” of the BJP.

“We can’t look at theemerging situation in isolation. That will only amount to playing in the handsof those working behind the scene and aiming at disrupting our unity,” said thestatement.

The Bharatiya Janata Partyasked the parties to stop politicising the decision.

“A misinformation campaignis being spread as usual by linking it with the process of unnecessary namechanging though they know the truth,” said Brig. Anil Gupta, BJP’sspokesperson.

He said Article 18 ofConstitution prohibits grant of titles to citizens and their use by prefixingwith their names.

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