Passes being issued to families to reach kin released outside Kashmir

CIK arrests youth trying to join terror ranks in Budgam (File)

The J&K government has started issuing “movement passes” to the families to help them reach their kin released from different jails outside Kashmir, even as in a move to decongest jails amid coronavirus scare, two more convicts were released on parole from Central Jail Srinagar on Wednesday.

The passes being issued in a phased manner permit two familymembers of each released person to move outside and receive their kin whose PSAdetention has been revoked by UT Home Department in last two weeks.


“The passes are being issued to the families concerned toreceive their kin (released) from jails outside (Kashmir),” DivisionalCommissioner, Kashmir, Pandurang K Pole, told Greater Kashmir.

About two weeks ago, J&K government had revoked PSAdetention orders against 41 persons lodged in various jails across UttarPradesh and Haryana.

Since the outbreak of coronavirus, many PSA detainees havebeen released and more releases are on cards in a move to decongest jails.

J&K Director General of Police, Prisons, V K Singh saidall Kashmiri detainees are so far well. “I ensure to get a bulletin about thehealth of inmates lodged in the jails in other states as well in JK everymorning,” he said.

The parents and relatives of the detainees have made severalappeals to government to release or shift their kin to valley jails. They havesaid that they were concerned about the health of their kin.

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